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Dear Teachers and Group Leaders,


We are excited that you are interested in the educational programs through the Canyon Country Discovery Center (CCDC). The CCDC offers a range of place-based, experiential learning opportunities - both on and off the CCDC campus. At the Canyon Country Discovery Center, learners can explore interactive exhibits related to science, nature, and local culture in our Colorado Plateau Education Center, engage in hands-on educational programs facilitated by our staff - both indoors and outdoors and test their bouldering skills n our bouldering wall. We are also happy to bring the Canyon Country Discovery Center's Educational Programs to your school. 


The CCDC's Educational Programs are developed for culturally diverse learners to explore and discover the natural history, landscapes, people, land use, astronomy, water and climate of the Colorado Plateau. We strive to give students new opportunities to use equipment not often available in classrooms - telescopes, a planetarium, a kinesthetic sandbox used to model paleontology digs and water morphology, and more.


Our programs are standards-based and engage learners in scientific and/or engineering practices. Our education programming creatively enhances students' educational experiences through hands-on, "think like a scientist" activities and link to the Next Generation Sciences Standards (NGSS), STEM, and Common Core Standards.


Please browse this page to find more information on our Five Educational Themes, Example Field Trip Schedules, and our Most Popular Educational Programs. For more information on pricing, to customize your trip, or to book a program, either at the CCDC campus or at your school, please call us at (435)587-2156 or email We can't wait to work with you!



The Canyon Country Discovery Center Education Department


Natural Herbs



Choosing a learning theme for your group allows our educators to select programs that will provide the age range of your students with the best experience for the length of your field trip. We often find that groups are only at the center for 3-4 hours. With such a short amount of time, a learning theme provides the students with opportunities to expand upon their knowledge while they are here, and also provides a solid base for extended learning for you as teachers once you are back at the classroom. 




Life on the Colorado Plateau

This series of programs focuses on biological science skills and content. Many programs make use of outdoor spaces, such as the Canyon Country Discover Center's trail system.


Geology on the Colorado Plateau

Rocks, fossils, and land forms on the Colorado Plateau are the focus of this series of programs. These programs help students explore the geosphere and interactions between the geosphere and the hydrosphere.


Astronomy on the Colorado Plateau

Discover the universe beyond our Earth. Programs in this series can include using models to explain the size of our universe as well as learning about the objects in our solar system and beyond. Private star parties and use of the planetarium are also available.


Scientists of the Colorado Plateau

Explore scientific careers and develop skills in both laboratory and field settings. The engineering/lab science track provides students with opportunities to form hypotheses, test through experimentation, and make conclusions based on their observations. In the field science track, students will practice observation and data collection outdoors and learn techniques to record and draw conclusions.


Energy use on the Colorado Plateau

Participate in hands-on lessons to learn about the non-living, or abiotic factors that make the Colorado Plateau unique. Explore how wind, solar, plant and animal adaptations, water and other abiotic factors affect the geosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.


For more information about the programs and standards offered in each thee, please send your inquiry to

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